Please read our submission guidelines carefully before submitting your website. Our submission guidelines are as follows…
- Our web directory is a family friendly directory, that’s why we do not accept adult, alcohol, spam, warez, poker, casino, gambling or with illegal content websites or those websites have link to or promoting adult, gambling, warez or illegal content websites in any manner.
- We do not accept websites with lack of content, strictly adsense or affiliate based.
- We accept quality websites. Your website’s look and content must be good. Your website’s navigation must be placed at appropriate place. There should not be any broken link in your website.
- Please use website name in the title instead of keywords for SEO purpose.
- Please write good description and don’t include site URL in the description. Submissions that contain errors, bad grammar, or similar will be rejected.
- Directory Admin has full right to change title, description and category of your listing without any prior notice.
- We do not accept redirect URLs.
- Only one submission per website is allowed.
- Deep Links are accepted for “Featured Listing” package, and not for “Regular Listing” package.
- Featured Listings will be placed above Regular Listings.
- If your listing is not approved, a full refund will be issued excluding sites submitted which we do not allow.
- We do not accept website that is under construction.
- Please choose an appropriate category and it’s subcategory for your website.
- Only English language version websites are allowed.